Corporate Finance

Showing 10 - 18 out of 30
A photo of the Las Vegas Convention Center's South Hall
Over 20,000 real estate investors, developers, property managers, retailers and brokers convened in Las Vegas last month for the annual ICSC convention. In the midst of a volatile market, attendees...
Businessman navigating a maze with moneybag at the end

6 Reasons Why Alternative Financing is a Hot Topic for CFOs

In today’s fast-changing environment, CFOs are increasingly focused on transformation and strategically positioning their organization for future success. However, serious financial stressors are...
A grocery store aisle

Retail's Latest Transformation Has Investors Watching

Retail has been the commercial real estate chameleon, changing and adapting with the times, including the rise of e-commerce and COVID-19. The post-pandemic rebirth of the sector has made major...
A map of the world is on top of an image of stock data

Corporate Capital Outlook - Q1 2023

"The first quarter of 2023 saw significant financial events continuing to cause stress in financial markets, with the Silicon Valley Bank's collapse and Credit Suisse's emergency takeover major...
Five stacks of coins, organized smallest to tallest, an arrow points to space above the tallest stack

It's Sale-Leaseback's Time to Shine

The current capital environment has tested the adaptability of many companies, as increasing interest rates have made the cost of capital rise uncomfortably. And while it’s unknown if recent events...
Office supplies

The CFO's Cheat Sheet

In anticipation of a potential recession, it's more important than ever for CFOs to find ways to free up cash on their balance sheets. Having a strong balance sheet ensures your company will...
Coin stacks with arrows

Is a Sale-leaseback Right for Your Business?

Economic uncertainty and restricted debt markets are leading more corporate occupiers to explore alternative financing options such as sale-leasebacks to secure funds. In a sale-leaseback, a company...
Glasses, a calculator, and a blue pen lying atop a messy pile of papers with the foremost saying "Purchase Agreement" across the top.

The Ins and Outs of Sale-leasebacks

What Is a Sale-Leaseback? In a sale-leaseback (or sale and leaseback), a company sells its commercial real estate to an investor for cash and simultaneously enters into a long-term lease with the new...
A black folder labeled REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) in yellow type on a desk with a calculator and a toy house

Sail Through Inflationary Headwinds with Net Lease REITs

Experts are sounding the alarm bells regarding an impending recession due to sustained inflation, rising interest rates and conflict in Europe. As a result, some investors are questioning whether...