Corporate Finance

Showing 28 - 30 out of 30
Hands writing on notepad within office

Commercial Lease Types Explained: Find the Best Lease for Your Business

People who are relatively new to leasing commercial real estate often mistakenly think it is similar to a residential lease on a house or apartment. In fact, commercial leases are quite different and...
An illustration of two stacks of gold coins on the left and right of a blue industrial building. A blue arrow indicating grow is above the building.

The Institutionalization of Net Lease

The net lease market has become a hunting ground for investors looking for low-maintenance assets and long-term, predictable cash flows. The stability of the asset type during times of uncertainty has...
Tight shot of a $100 bill with Benjamin Franklin blowing a bubble of pink bubble gum

How Sellers Can Maximize Value During Times of Inflation

Driven by the economy reopening and increasing consumer demand, the US economy is experiencing the biggest surge in inflation in over a decade. The Fed expects higher-than-usual inflation to continue...