Our governance practices are designed to ensure our company is run responsibly and in the best interest of our shareholders, employees and tenants. We recognize that a company’s tone is set at the top and we are proud that many of our governance provisions are recognized as best practices.
Governance Documentation
Information Security Risks
We take a comprehensive and proactive approach to managing the security and privacy of our information systems and data, incorporating a layered portfolio of comprehensive employee training programs, multiple resources to manage and monitor the evolving threat landscape, effective Board oversight of cybersecurity risks and knowledgeable teams responsible for preventing and detecting cybersecurity risks.
Our cybersecurity program and data protection efforts are led by our Chief Information Officer who reports to our Chief Financial Officer and has extensive experience working with information security systems. Our information technology team consists of individuals with expertise in assessing, preventing and addressing cybersecurity risk and is responsible for executing our cybersecurity program as well as communicating regularly with senior management, our cybersecurity governance committee, the Audit Committee and the Board.
Whistleblower Hotline
The Board of Directors and Management Team of W. P. Carey Inc. and its affiliates appreciate your support and cooperation as we do our part to conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical and legal standards. You may file a risk-free, anonymous report of actual or suspected activities that may involve criminal conduct or violations to our Code of Ethics using EthicsPoint: Telephone: (866) 384-4277. The hotline is available 24/7.